Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It was bedtime and Mustang had just brushed his teeth. He tucked himself into his furry blanket and turned the fire-fly off.
As he slipped into his merry dreams, he suddenly heard something rumble his tree. Eyes wide, he sat up curved. In the darkness he tried to find some sense. Sniffing gently, he lifted his tail. And slyly and slowly he curved it above his head.
He waited patiently for another sign.
Nothing... nothing...
His tail shot-up straight and pppfffttttttt.... he farted aloud. Sleepy-smiling wickedly. Tail back down, he was just about to tuck back in when she sprang out giggly with her pink ass darting behind her.
As she leaped away, she shot out an air-kiss for him - pink and pungent.
Dreamily he sniffed in the lovely. 

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